Install.bat (language pack)

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eXo created a special install.bat for the language packs

Eulisker and Timber translated the text-strings in this file for the German Language Pack (GLP)

Special info about the file:

To allow the language pack to use the original eXoDOS-Base pack files if the game is already as a multilingual version in eXoDOS, we added some lines to the install.bat.

we added between

cd ..


IF EXIST ".\eXoDOS\%LangDir%\%GameDir%\" GOTO dele


for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /C:"%GameName%" .\util\!german\multilanguage.txt') do (set mla=yes)

and between



IF NOT EXIST "exodos\%LangDir%\" goto exit


if not defined %mla goto nomla
IF NOT EXIST "exodos\" goto exit
copy ".\eXoDOS\" ".\eXoDOS\%LangDir%\"

It is needed to let the install.bat check the "multilanguage.txt" file, if the "Gamename (YEAR)" is listed inside the file.

If so, it copies the Gamename (YEAR).zip from the eXoDOS base package to the language pack folder

If not, it simply skips this steps and continues with the next step to unzip the Gamename (YEAR).zip

And between

rd /q /s ".\eXoDOS\%LangDir%\%GameDir%\"



we added this:

if not defined %mla goto end
del ".\eXoDOS\%LangDir%\"

This is needed to delete the Gamename (YEAR).zip we've copied in the first step