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A2GS title.jpg

Project Description

The Apple II series and the Apple II GS both represent a core component of many people's education. For thousands of students, it was their first introduction to a computer. We have decided to begin preserving this era with the Apple II GS. One of the earlier commercial 16-bit home computers, the Apple II GS was a marked improvement in graphics over its predecessor. Like many computers of the time however, it is not all that easy to access the software the was released on this platform, or to engage with it as it was originally intended. eXoAppleIIGS attempts to make these software titles accessible on modern machines, while preserving the manuals, box art, magazines, and music that defined this platform.

This pack includes 460 Apple IIGS games & apps. The Apple IIGS ran on the GS/OS operating system, which used ProDOS as its filing system. Due to the fact that hard drives were still not standard, the OS was designed to be able to load from a floppy at boot at which point it was loaded into memory.

While the focus of this project is on games released for the Apple IIGS, a handful of productivity applications, such as The Print Shop, have been included due to their synonymous nature with the platform. Printing functionality has been emulated so you can go right back to make greetings cards and signs just like we used to do in the 80's.

The software included in eXoAppleIIGS is already setup using GSport, GSplus, & MAME as the emulator. No prior knowledge of emulation is required however, as the front end will take care of all of that for you.

eXoAppleIIGS Version 1.0

Current Version: eXoAppleIIGS v1.0
Release Date: October 31st, 2022
Number of Games: 460

Core Modules

LaunchBox Plugin


LaunchBox Platform XML

eXoAppleIIGS Version 2.0 (Upcoming)

New Features

  • To be determined...


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